These courses help you to develop your professional skills
Upskilling is key for career success. Don’t wait for the day your skills are outdated to come but prepare yourself. Take your professional growth into your hands and invest in training courses to develop your skills. To support you, Michael Page collaborates with external organisations to offer you the best training programs.
FEI - The Institute of Business Economics
FEI - The Institute of Business Economics has been providing training for people in their careers since 1888. The range is wide and varied and caters to the entire organization, from new employees to experienced managers. The FEIFLEX concept means efficient skills development and allows you to study in parallel with your work. No matter where you are geographically.
Discount on courses to develop your skills
You as a consultant at Michael Page can take part in FEI's course and training offerings at discounted prices. Michael Page gives you a 10% discount on the courses and courses covered by the collaboration. Contact us to find out more.
Course areas: